The 15th Kolmogorov Readings, International Science Conference for high schools will be held on May 5-8, 2015 in the Advanced Education and Science Center of Moscow State University (the Kolmogorov School) in cooperation with Lomonosov university departments, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, and the Alumni Club of the Kolmogorov School.
The main purpose of the Conference is to search for and support gifted students interested in science research and to encourage and foster the professional development of teachers working with gifted students.
The program of the Conference includes two sections:
· The student section, devoted to students’ research;
· The teacher section, devoted to teachers’ presentations.
High school students and their advisors, high school teachers, educators, current and former teachers of the Kolmogorov School, and the school alumni are invited to take part in the conference.
The student section will consist of the subsections for mathematics, physics, informatics, chemistry, and biology. The teacher section will be run as a round table discussion on the creative activity of teachers and students.
Students will be given popular lectures by renowned scientists at the plenary sessions and will take part in various intellectual contests.
To take part in the conference it is necessary to fill in an application form and submit the theses of presentations to the organizing committee not later than by April 15, 2015. All applications are accepted only through the on-line registration system on the educational web portal “Lomonosov” (http://lomonosov-msu.ru/eng/event/2943/). Applications sent by regular post or/and by e-mail are not accepted. The theses must be typed in Microsoft Word format (no more than 1 A4 page of text in 12 pt size font, 1.5 line spacing). Detailed formatting rules for theses can be found on the conference web site (http://lomonosov-msu.ru/eng/event/2943/) and on the AESC web site (http://internat.msu.ru/obrazov-proekty/readings/xv-kolmogorovskie-chteniya). An application can be rejected by the expert committee.
The list of the accepted works will be published no later than April 15, 2015. Invited participants must e-mail “The delegation application” and full texts of their reports by April 20, 2015 to the Organization Committee (reading@internat.msu.ru). The application form and presentation specifications are posted on the web sites http://lomonosov-msu.ru/eng/event/2943/ and http://internat.msu.ru/obrazov-proekty/readings/xv-kolmogorovskie-chteniya.
Advanced Education and Science Center of Moscow State University (the Kolmogorov School), Lomonosov university departments, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, and the Alumni Club of the Kolmogorov School.
Advanced Education and Science Center of Moscow State University (Kolmogorov school)
11, Kremenchugskaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 121357
Tel.: +7 (499) 445-40-54, +7(499) 445-46-34
Fax: +7 (499) 455-46-34
e-mail: reading@internat.msu.ru
Site: http://internat.msu.ru/obrazov-proekty/readings/xv-kolmogorovskie-chteniya
Registration link: http://lomonosov-msu.ru/eng/event/2943/
The registration fee for foreign participants (except for citizens from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) is 10000 rubles per person (student or chaperon) covering transfer, accommodation, full board, and other expenses.