17th Kolmogorov Readings International Scientific School Conference
17th Kolmogorov Readings International Scientific School Conference
The 17th Kolmogorov Readings International Science Conference for high schools is to be held on May 3-6, 2017 for the applicants who pass the scientific examination. It will take place in the Advanced Education and Science Center (AESC) of the Moscow State University (Kolmogorov School) in cooperation with Lomonosov Moscow State University departments and the Kolmogorov School Alumni Club.
The Conference program includes Student Sections in:
and the Teacher Section:
Participants from Russia, CIS and foreign countries: high school students and their advisors, high school teachers, educators, Kolmogorov School teachers and the School alumni are invited to the conference.
The Conference working languages are Russian and English.
The Conference is intended to search for and support talented students who are interested in science and research, to expand teachers’ scientific and methodical outlook, discuss cooperation projects between Kolmogorov School (AESC) graduates and teachers.
8th, 9th and 10th grade students may take part in the additiopnal competition in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (the Kolmogorov contest).
Please fill in the application form and submit the proceedings to the Organizing Committee by April 5, 2017. All applications are only accepted through the on-line registration system at: http://lomonosov-msu.ru/eng/event/4124/. The applications sent by the regular mail or/and e-mail are will not be accepted. The proceedings should be in MS Word format (no more than one A4 page in 12 pt size font with 1.5 line spacing). An application may be rejected by the expert committee.
The list of the accepted works will be published no later than April 15, 2017. The invited participants should e-mail their “Delegation Application” and the full text of their reports by April 20, 2017, to the Organization Committee (reading@internat.msu.ru). The application form and presentation specifications are posted on the web portal “Lomonosov” and on the AESC web site (http://internat.msu.ru/en/the-kolmogorov-readings/17th-kolmogorov-readings-en/).
Advanced Education and Science Center of Moscow State University (Kolmogorov School)
11, Kremenchugskaya St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 121357
In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at reading@internat.msu.ru and +7(925) 478-00-70 (in case of urgency)
Conference fees are:
Accommodation and full board in additional days cost 1000 rubles a day per person.