I Youth Sports Assembly

I Youth Sports Assembly

Kazan, Россия
Registration is closed
25 - 28 May 2015
ПГАФКСиТ, Kazan, Россия

I Youth Sports Assembly

I Youth Sports Assembly


I Youth Sports Assembly will be held by initiative of All-Russian student union in conjunction with the department of sports management, recreation and sport and health tourism of Volga state academy of physical culture, sports and tourism and non-commercial partnership «Sports club» of Volga state academy of physical culture, sports and tourism.

In participation of I Youth Sports Assembly will take part 150 young sports managers below 35 years of age, having the experience of participation in organization and hosting of sports events, interested in the career development in the sports management area. Youth assembly is planning to organize the meeting of chairmen of Sport Universities’ student unions where resolution on solution of questions of students self-management will be issued.


Всероссийский студенческий союз
Спортивный клуб Поволжской государственной академии физической культуры, спорта и туризма

I Youth Sports Assembly is funded by scholarship in accordance with the directive of the President of the Russian Federation №243-rp from 25.07.2014 «About the organization of the government support of non-commercial nongovernment organizations in 2014, taking part in the development of institutes of citizen society and realizing socially significant projects» and also, according to the competition of the All-Russia non-commercial association «Health league of nation».

Areas of the I Youth Sports Assembly:

  •      Government and municipal management of physical culture and sport area
  •      New approaches to the management of physical culture and sport.
  •      Development and regulation of national and nonolympic kinds of sport.



Project mamager - Daria Osenkova +7 960 082 53 08, osenkova.daria@gmail.com


Время приезда и отъезда

Добрый день, коллеги!

Искренне приятно, что Вы одобрили заявку на участие в Ассамблее!

Подскажите во сколько необходимо быть в Казани 25 мая и на какое время 28 мая можно брать билеты обратно?

Хотелось бы заранее купить билеты из Екатеринбурга ибо мест осталось не так много

С Уважением,
Дихорь Виктория