International Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
XXIV International Conference of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov-2017" Section “Sociology”
Organizing and Program committees
Chairman – Dean of the Faculty of Sociology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Sociology, Professor Osipova N.G.
Vice-Chairman — Vice-Dean for Science of the Faculty of Sociology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associated Professor Kanevskiy P.S.
Executive secretary – Chairman of the Young Scientists Council of the Faculty of Sociology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Candidate of Sociology, Associated Professor Novoselova E.N.
Organizing committee members: Prof. Osipova N.G., Prof. Kanevskiy P.S., Prof. Novoselova E.N., Prof. Trofimov S.V., Zaharov S.Y., Siniakov A.V.
Program committee members: Prof. Osipova N.G., Prof. Kanevskiy P.S., Prof. Novoselova E.N., Prof. Averin S.Y., Prof. Antonov A.I., Prof. Barkov S.A., Prof. Gavrilenko O.V., Prof. Vasiliev V.P., Prof. Dobrenkov V.I., Prof. Mamedov A.K., Prof. Temnova L.V., Prof. Fedorkin N.S., Prof. Tsygankov P.A.
Expert Council
Chairman – Dean of the Faculty of Sociology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Sociology, Professor Osipova N.G.
Vice-Chairman — Vice-Dean for Science of the Faculty of Sociology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associated Professor Kanevskiy P.S.
Expert Council Members : Prof. Osipova N.G., Prof. Kanevskiy P.S., Prof. Novoselova E.N., Prof. Averin S.Y., Prof. Antonov A.I., Prof. Barkov S.A., Prof. Agapov P.V., Prof. Vasiliev V.P., Prof. Gavrilenko O.V., Prof. Dehanova N.G., Prof. Dobrenkov V.I., Prof. Karpova N.V., Prof. Kochetkov V.V., Prof. Mamedov A.K., Prof. Markeeva A.V., Prof. Sushko V.A., Prof. Temnova L.V., Prof. Fedorkin N.S., Prof. Tsygankov P.A., Prof. Chudnovskaya I.N.
Section Events
Section “Sociology” of the XXIII International Conference of
Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov-2017" includes:
April 2017
International Conference of
Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov-2017"
12 thematic sessions are planned for the conference in 2017. The speakers will be selected by the Section Expert Council on the basis of the abstracts sent to the Forum Organizing committee. All the speakers receive commemorative certificate. The authors of the most interesting reports are given recommendation letters for enrolling at the postgraduate studies of the Sociology Faculty of the Moscow State University.
Contemporary Sociology
History and Theory of Sociology
Methodology of Sociological Research
Economic Sociology
Sociology of Organizations
Social Technologies
Sociology of Administration
Political Science and Sociology of Political Processes
Sociology of International Relations
Sociology of Family and Demography
Sociology of Communication Systems
Sociology of Education
All-Russian N.I. Kareev competition
The first All-Russian competition named after the great Russian sociologist Nikolai Ivanovich Kareev was held in 2004. Over the years more than 70 post-graduate students and young scientists became nominees. In 2017 the All-Russian N.I. Kareev competition, under the auspices of the Faculty of Sociology and High School of Modern Social Sciences, will be held for 13th time.. Contest winners will receive commemorative diplomas.
Moscow Spring Sociological School
Since 2004 the Faculty of Sociology has been organizing Moscow sociological schools. Seminars, round tables and master-classes are conducted by the leading professors of the MSU Faculty of Sociology.
Contact information of the Organizing Committee of the Section "Sociology"
Russia, 119991 Moscow, Leninskie Gory, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1/33, Faculty of Sociology, room 207
Phone / Fax:
+7 (495) 939 2405