Optogenetics and Optopharmacology
11 - 15 Apr 2018

Optogenetics and Optopharmacology

Science conference with international participation "Optogenetics and Optopharmacology"

Saint Petersburg, Россия
Registration is closed
11 - 15 Apr 2018
IEPHB RAS, Saint Petersburg, Россия

Optogenetics and Optopharmacology

Science conference with international participation "Optogenetics and Optopharmacology"


Acceptance of applications is extended until March 10

A decade ago optogenetics and later optopharmacology opened a new era in neurobiological approaches. Currently, a fantastic range of optobiological tools allows to selectively control neuronal activity. We invite you to participate in the I Russian International Conference "Optogenetics and Optopharmacology" that will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia, on April 11-15, 2018 in the Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences.

The conference will feature plenary lectures on the general problems of optogenetics and optopharmacology, as well as oral presentations and posters on the results of research conducted by the Conference participants.

The scientific program of the conference will include discussion of the problems of creating new optogenetics tools, targeted delivery of photosensitive proteins and low-molecular-weight photo switches to target cells, problems of prosthetics of sensory systems, toxicity and stability of optogenetic tools, interpretation of results and other issues.

Simultaneously with the Conference, the School on Optogenetics and Optopharmacology will be held, where it is planned to read a series of lectures for young researchers on the current state of optobiological methods, to discuss at round tables and special sessions the research issues at the present level, the participation of young scientists in the ongoing work. Leading specialists from Russian scientific institutions and from abroad – P.D. Brezhestovsky (KSMU, Russia, INSERM, France), A.V. Kuznetsov, and others will be invited to give lectures and hold roundtables. Semyanov (UNN, Russia), L. Looger, A. Karpova (HHMI, USA), P.M. Balaban (IHNA&NPh, Russia), M.A. Ostrovsky (Moscow State University, Russia), N.N. Dygalo (NSU, Russia), K.V. Anokhin (Moscow State University, Russia).

A satellite symposium «Biological objects imaging» is planned to be held in the framework of the conference and the school, which will be formed on the basis on applications. The co-chairmen of the symposium are Dr. Sergey Antonov and Dr. Irina Romanova (IEPhB RAS, St. Petersburg).

During  the satellite symposium, it is planned to consider the principles of using confocal microscopy for the analysis of biological objects, to discuss methodological issues of analyzing a fluorescent image in real time, quantifying the fluorescence image of  tissue culture and fixed tissue.

In registration form the symposium participants should indicate in the commentary the symposium «Biological objects imaging»

The working languages of the conference are English and Russian.


 Forms of participation: participants with an oral presentation, participants with a poster presentation, participants without a presentation.

 1. When submitting an application, the first author is considered to be the speaker in the theses.

2. All co-authors who want to participate in the conference must register as participants without a presentation.

3. We also ask you to register as participants without the presentation of all the co-authors of the theses, who will not participate in the conference in person. The fee for participation in this case is not charged.

4. The abstract is uploaded only by the author of the presentation (oral or poster).

5. Confirmation of payment of registration fee (after confirmation of the application) each full-time participant carries out independently.

6. The format of the Conference does not provide distance participation with the publication of abstracts without personal presentation in oral or poster form. In case, by coincidence, personal participation of the author in the Conference is not possible, we ask to notify the organizing committee by e-mail optogenetics2018@gmail.com  and to inform which of the co-authors and in what form of the presentation will be submitted.

Key dates:

1. Registration of participants with an oral and poster presentation from December 11, 2017 to March 1, 2018 (inclusive).

2. Registration of participants without a presentation from December 11, 2017 to March 21, 2018 (inclusive).

3. Registration of co-authors of presentations without full participation from December 11, 2017 to April 10, 2018 (inclusive).

4. March 1 - March 11, 2018: the formation of the program, the confirmation of the form of participation

5. March 11 - March 21, 2018 (inclusive): payment of registration fee in accordance with the confirmed form of participation

After March 21 (later confirmation), the registration fee increases by 20 €.

The payment for participation is made after confirmation of acceptance of theses for participation (the corresponding status in the application)



The abstracts are submitted by all participants with a presentation. In the abstract book, after the review by the Program Committee, all the abstracts accepted for the conference will be presented.

The abstracts are downloaded when you register in the section "Creating PDF-files of abstracts" through a special form to apply your abstracts will be available on the page "My applications" after you submit your application to participate. Abstracts can be submitted in both Russian and English.


It is planned to publish Proceedings of Conference “Optogenetics and Optopharmacology”, based on the materials of the conference. The size of abstracts are started from 2 pages (A4), b/w illustrations are possible.

It is possible also to publish mini-articles in Russian Journal of Physiology, 2018, №5.  Mini-articles must be issued according to the Author Guide and they should be sent to optogenetics2018@gmail.com .   Mini-articles could be written in English.

Font Times New Roman, font size - 12, line spacing, text - 1. 


Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences
Институт высшей нервной деятельности и нейрофизиологии РАН
Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого

Science conference with international participation "Optogenetics 2018" held Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEPhB RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia




For more information on the organization and holding of the conference contact:

Ivan Sukhov Telephone: +7 (812) 552-3117

WhatsApp &WeChat&Viber: +7 9119981047


Contact information

194223 Russia, Saint-Petersburg, pr. Torez 44

Phone: +7(812) 552-79-01

Email: optogenetics2018@gmail.com


The Organizing Committee of the conference will be grateful for any suggestions for organizing and conducting these activities. Proposals should be sent to the Organizing Committee.

About partners

Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS (IHNA&NPh RAS) 

Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)

Federal agency of science organisations of Russia (FASO)

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) 

Cost of participation

The payment for participation is made after confirmation of acceptance of theses for participation (the corresponding status in the application)

Cost of participation:

1. Participants with oral and poster presentation 100 € (before March 21, 2018), 120 € (after March 21, 2018).

2. A participant without a report – 50 € (before March 21, 2018), 70 € (after March 21, 2018).

3. Students and graduate students: participation with a presentation and without a presentation 30 € (before March 21, 2018), 50 € (after March 21, 2018).

 The fee does not include:

- The cost of a printed copy of the abstract book. To order a printed copy, you must make a special note when registering. The cost of 1 copy is 5 €.

- Cocktail party on the first day of the conference. The cost of participation is 25 €.


In the case of ordering the abstract book and / or participation in a cocktail party, the amount of the registration fee will be increased by the above amounts.


For participants from the Russian Federation


194223, Санкт-Петербург, пр. Тореза, д.44

ИНН 7802038273 КПП 780201001

л/ счет 20726Ц57740


УФК по г. Санкт-Петербургу (ОФК 7203,ИЭФБ РАН, л/с 20726Ц57740)

р/счет 40501810300002000001


Северо-Западное ГУ Банка России

к/счет нет

БИК 044030001

ОКВЭД 73.10. , 80.30.2.

ОКПО 02 698 559

ОКАТО 40 265 562 000

ОКОГУ 1330612

ОГРН 1027801535728 

ОКТМО 40315000


ОКОПФ 75103

т/факс 552-78-25

Назначение платежа:

КБК 00000000000000000130

ОКАТО 40265562000

л/с 20726Ц57740

Оргвзнос за участия в конференции Оптогенетика 2018 [ФИО участника].

For foreign participants bank account (Euro)

IEPhB RAS Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт эволюционной физиологии и биохимии им. И.М. Сеченова Российской академии наук

194223  St. Petersburg 

Thorez pr., 44

ph. +7 812 552 7901

fax +7 812 552 3012 194223, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, пр. Тореза, 44

INN 7802038273 ИНН 7802038273

KPP 780201001 КПП 780201001

OGRN 1027801535728 ОГРН 1027801535728

OKVED 73.10, 80.30.2 ОКВЭД 73.10, 80.30.2

OKOGU 4100501 ОКОГУ 4100501

OKPO 02698559 ОКПО 02698559


BIC 044030653

c/a 30101810500000000653



bank account (Euro)

current № 40503978555080000003

transit account

№ 40503978855081000003




БанкСеверо-Западный Банк ПАО Сбербанк


БИК044 030 001


банковский счет в (Евро)

Текущий № 40503978555080000003

банковский счет в (Евро)

Транзитный № 40503978855081000003

Reference: registration fee on Optogenetics2018 [First Name, Last Name] Назначение платежа: Оргвзнос Оптогенетику 2018 за [ФИО].