10:30 - 16:00
VII All-russian scientific and practical conference "Social innovation management: experience, problems and perspectives"
VII All-russian scientific and practical conference "Social innovation management: experience, problems and perspectives"
November, 16, 2018 the faculty of the Humanities and social sciences of RUDN-University organizes the VII All-russian scientific and practical conference «Social innovation management: experience, problems and perspectives». This year the main questions of the social management that will be discussed are the following:
- strategies and programs of social and economic development: the main goals and its realization;
- governmental social policy: Russian and foreign experience;
- public-private partnership project management in social and economic spheres: Russian and foreign experience;
- regional development: problems and perspectives;
- innovation management in social sphere
- the development of the civil participation in the solution of local problems.
The main goals of the conference are the following: tomake an exhaustive analysis of the modern stage of the development of social innovations in Russia and abroad; to validate scientifically the perspectives of the development of the strategic planning, prediction and programming in public administration; to elaborate the proposals and recommendations for the implementation of the social innovations in public administration; to give the specialists the possibility of the exchange of the experience of the research and practical implementation of its results. The actuality of these questions is determined by the priorities of the development of Russian economy and social sphere and world tendencies.
In these circumstances Russian humanities should contribute to the enforcement of the social and economic positions of Russia with the implementation of social innovations. We expect the participation of the stakeholders from the public authorities, from the scientific community, and business of Moscow St.-Petersburg and other regions of Russia. Scientists from the foreign countries are also invited.RUDN-University, Faculty of Humanities and social sciences