XLV International Conference of Russian Society for American Culture Studies "Immigration and American Culture"
XLV International Conference of Russian Society for American Culture Studies "Immigration and American Culture"
We are glad to announce “Immigration and American Culture” as the theme of the XLV International conference of the Russian Society for American Culture Studies at Journalism Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University, in the hope that it will allow to look in more detail at the changing cultural landscape of the USA due to historical waves of immigration on the one hand, and at the complex influence of the present-day immigration policies on American culture, on the other.
The dates of the conference will be December 4-7, 2019.
Planned sections:
· Journalism,
· American Culture of the 17-19th Centuries, with a Round Table Discussion on Bicentenary of Herman Melville
Round Table: Herman Melville’s Bicentenary (01.08.1819 – 28.09.1891)
Coordinators: Louisa P. Bashmakova, Prof. Emerita, KubSU, Krasnodar, Russia (888lpb@gmail.com), Prof. Andrew Wiget, Lomonosov MSU, and Prof. Emeritus, New Mexico State University, USA (andrew.wiget@gmail.com).
Melville’s contribution to the cultural and literary heritage of America and the world constitutes an immeasurable legacy. Themes for papers and conversations may vary from biographical issues to historical and theoretical arguments, literary interpretations, or the critical reception or artistic transformation of the writer’s works in the USA and abroad. Presentations of teaching Melville to students are especially welcome.
· Contemporary Literature and Culture, with a Round Table Discussion on American Drama
· Ethnic Aspects,
· Gender Studies,
· Fantastic in the Arts,
· Canadian perspectives,
· Geography of the US and Spatial Aspects of American Culture
Coordinator: Ruslan Dokhov, MSU, Geography Department
Topics for discussion:
ü - US cities: spatial structure and dynamics.
ü - Geography of migrations in the US: internal and external flows. Geography of stayers.
ü - Ethnic and confessional geography of the US.
ü - Political geography of the US: electoral mosaics and regional patterns.
ü - Economic geography, the geography of transportation and energy.
ü - US regions, regional identity, locality at the age of globalism.
A traditional Round Table discussion: Imprints – Image of America and Image of Russia will also be held.
Coordinator Professor Yassen Zassoursky (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Journalism Department)