Faculty of Journalism of the Lomonosov Moscow State University is delighted to invite
you to participate in the VI International Research & Practical Conference ‘Media
Design: XXI Century Trends’, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of design education at
MSU. The conference will take place in Moscow (9 Mokhovaya st.).
The subject of the anniversary conference is ‘Visual Communication in Cross Platform
The programme of the conference is comprised of research and practice-based
educational events. The headliners of the programme will be a series of plenary
sessions, where the speakers will outline the key trends of the development of visual
communications, media design, visual language and artistic practices in media.
The first plenary session (14 November) will be focused on theoretical issues in the
research of visual communications in the world of media. The second plenary session
(15 November) will highlight the up-to-date questions evolving around the practical
aspect in this field.
The debate of the raised issues will continue at the panel discussions, where the
conference participants will have an opportunity to present on their concepts and
projects, and exchange practical experience. In addition, designers will deliver a number
of workshops aimed at enhancing skills in practical aspects of visual communication
and design.
Conference Programme
14 November 2019
– Plenary session
15 November 2019
– Plenary session
– Panel discussions:
- Visual communication in media
- Media design
- Photography as an instrument of visualising media texts
- Illustrations in media texts
- Visual communication in virtual sphere (gaming, AR, new media, web
- design)
- Design of multimedia projects
- Visual communication in PR and advertisement
- Visual communication in the context of artistic practices
16 November 2019
– Workshops
– Alumni reunion (graduates of ‘Design of mass media and communications’ and ‘Media Design’ programmes, 1999 – 2019)
– Exhibition of works by design students of Faculty of Journalism, MSU
Applications for participation in the conference (both live and remotely) are accepted
until 15 October 2019 by email: mediadesign.msu@gmail.com
More details about registration, requirements to your proposal and publication of your
thesis can be found in the information letter.