3 - 16 Авг 2012


The Seventh Summer School “Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, mathematics and Physics”

Киев, Украина
Регистрация закрыта
3 - 16 Авг 2012
МГУ, Киев, Украина


The Seventh Summer School “Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, mathematics and Physics”

О мероприятии
The Summer School AACIMP will be held on 3-16 August, 2012 at National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” in Kyiv, Ukraine.

The curriculum of the Summer School AACIMP-2012 presupposes lectures, seminars, practical lessons and discussions as structural components of the four parallel streams:
• Operational Research (data mining, knowledge discovery in large databases, new concepts and ideas for modeling in operational research., modern operational research and its mathematical methods with a focus on financial mathematics etc);
• Mobile Software Development (cross platform mobile development);
• Neuroscience (synaptic transmission, investigation of the single neuron level, small neural circuits, network and neural populations as well as overview of different structure and different functions of a brain);
• Advanced Energy (nuclear energy, issues of naturally occurring radioactivity etc).

The tutors of the Summer School AACIMP are well-known scientists from the universities of world-wide reputation of Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Turkey and USA as well as leading specialists representing the world’s largest companies. Thus participants have an opportunity not only to improve their knowledge, but also to get acquainted with different schools’ traditions and discuss the most important issues of the modern science and technology.

Besides providing the educational part of the project, the Organizing Committee usually prepares a well-planned social programme including debates, sport events, cinema-club, sightseeing around the ancient fascinating city of Kyiv.

To participate you have to fill in the application form on the Summer School AACIMP web-site (summerschool.ssa.org.ua). The decision on your acceptance for the participation in the project will be made by the Programme Committee during one month from the date of registration.
Early registration – until May 1.
Late registration – until June 1.

All the information on the registration details, rules of participation and possible ways of payment as well as courses details may be found on the official Summer School web-site summerschool.ssa.org.ua).


Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова
The organizers:
• Student Science Association of the NTUU “KPI”
• National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Ploytechnic Institute”

Контактная информация

Office 299/15, Student Science Association,
National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Building 1, 37, Peremohy avenue, Kyiv 03056, Ukraine
+38 044 454 92 43 (tel./fax)
summerschool@ssa.org.ua (for participants)
partners@ssa.org.ua (for supporters)

Стоимость участия

depends on the country, for more information see the web-site