Научно-популярный лекторий Форума «Ломоносов»
Лазарев Владимир (Vladimir Lazarev): Advanced mid-infrared lasers: from detection of molecules to medicine and optical clocks (лекция на английском языке / Lecture in English)
Лазарев Владимир (Vladimir Lazarev) - кандидат технических наук, начальник лаборатории стабилизированных лазерных систем НОЦ «Фотоника и ИК-техника» МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана, победитель Президентской программы исследовательских проектов РНФ.
The first laser was invented in 1960. Since that time, what can be done new in this field of laser technology? However, this subject matter is quite extensive, especially when it comes to new laser sources in the mid-infrared region. Lector will show you how extremely interesting this spectral region is. We will talk about new lasers and its applications in our life: from the detection of molecules to medicine and optical clocks.
Лекция на английском языке / Lecture in English.