1 - 3 Окт 2019


«4th Russian-German Conference on MultiScale BioMathematics: Coherent Modeling of Human Body System»

Москва, Россия
Регистрация закрыта
1 - 3 Окт 2019
МГУ, Москва, Россия


«4th Russian-German Conference on MultiScale BioMathematics: Coherent Modeling of Human Body System»

О мероприятии

4th Russian-German Conference on MultiScale Bio­Mathematics - Co­herent Modeling of Hu­man Body System aims to address

  • mathematical topics in complex systems modeling,
  • modeling the human cardiovascular system,
  • modeling the human body immune system.

The seminar includes lectures (up to 1 hour) by leading scientists in the field of mathematical applications in medicine and biology. Young scientists are invited to speak at the section "Young talents" with reports (up to30 min).

Applications for participation in the seminar with reports can be sent to Jochen Mau (ismmau@hhu.de) or Sergey Bogomolov (
bogomo@cs.msu.ru) or  Sergey Mukhin (vmmus@cs.msu.ru).

According to the results of the seminar it is expected to publish a collection of abstracts.

Working language: English

Venue: Lomonosov Moscow State University, faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, 2nd Educ.Bld, 526a.


Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Факультет вычислительной математики и кибернетики, Кафедра вычислительных методов

Lomonosov Moscow State Univesity (CMC faculty):  acad. Boris Chetverushkin, prof. S.Bogomolov, prof. S Mukhin

Institut für Quantitative Methodik (Krefeld), Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf  : Prof. Jochen Mau   

Контактная информация

Sergey Bogomolov, CMC Lomonosov MSU, professor, e-mail:bogomo@cs.msu.ru
Sergey Mukhin, CMC Lomonosov MSU, professor, e-mail:vmmus@cs.msu.ru

Стоимость участия
