5 - 7 Июл 2012


10th International Conference on South Asian Languages and Literatures - ISOCAL 10. 10-я Международная конференция «Языки и литература Южной Азии»

Москва, Россия
Регистрация закрыта
5 - 7 Июл 2012
МГУ, Москва, Россия


10th International Conference on South Asian Languages and Literatures - ISOCAL 10. 10-я Международная конференция «Языки и литература Южной Азии»

О мероприятии
Кафедра индийской филологии Института стран Азии и Африки МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова и Международный центр исследований Южной Азии РГГУ 5-7 июля 2012 г. проводят 10-ю Международную конференцию «Языки и литература Южной Азии» (ICOSAL-10).
Три конференции из девяти предыдущих были организованы в Москве кафедрой индийской филологии ИСАА МГУ, (июль 1997, июль 2003, июнь 2006 г.). Остальные шесть проводились в различных индийских университетах.

10-я Международная конференция «Языки и литература Южной Азии», 5-7 июля 2012 г. (Москва)

Секция «Языкознание": Морфология, семантика и синтаксис языков Южной Азии в диахронической и синхронической перспективе, социолингвистические проблемы Южной Азии

Секция «Литературоведение": история формирования различных литературных жанров на языках Южной Азии, история формирования литературных языков, герменевтика, основные проблемы литератур нового времени

The Department of Indian Philology, Institute of Asian and African Studies (IAAS), Moscow State University, and the International Centre for South Asian Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities, are proud to host the 10th International Conference on South Asian Languages and Literatures (ICOSAL 10). Out of the nine previous ICOSALs, three were organized in Moscow by the Department of Indian Philology, IAAS, (July 1997, July 2003, June 2006). The other six ICOSALs were organized by various Indian Universities (in Hyderabad, Aligarh, Patiala and other Indian cities).
The main problems discussed at the ICOSALs were: the structure of Hindi and other Indian languages as a subject of University education outside India; resource materials for learning Hindi and other Indian languages; new challenges to the teaching of Indian languages and literatures; software and other technical devices for teaching and learning Indian languages; new trends in Hindi orthography caused by using computers; estimation of manuals and textbooks used for teaching Indian languages; problems of translation; influence of European and American literature on writers of Indian Diaspora; the role of web resources in developing and spreading modern Indian literatures. There were also special sessions dedicated to creative activity like reciting poetry or performing a play (plays) in Indian languages by students of Moscow State University.
Proceedings of the 1st ICOSAL, under the title ‘Vaagbhaarati’, were published by Moscow State University in 1998, edited by L.V. Khokhlova and A. Sawani
Proceedings of the 5th ICOSAL, ‘Old and New Perspectives on South Asian Languages: Grammar and Semantics', were published in 2007 by Motilal Banarsidass, ed. by Colin Masica.
Proceedings of the 8th ICOSAL, ‘Language Vitality in South Asia’, were published in 2009 by Aligarh Muslim University, ed. by Ali R. Fatihi

The 10th International Conference on South Asian Languages and Literatures (ISOCAL 10), 5-7 July, 2012 (Moscow)

Linguistic Subfields in ICOSAL 10: Morphology, semantics and syntax of South Asian languages; languages versus dialects; problems of demarcation of related languages (e.g. Hindi versus Urdu); divergent developments of languages in different countries (e.g. Urdu in India and Pakistan, Bangla in India and Bangladesh; (cultural) history of South Asian languages.

Literature Subfields in ICOSAL 10: History of various literatures of South Asia; patterns of the appearance of new literary languages and new literatures; hermeneutics of literary analysis; literature(s) and religion(s); problems of literary genres in the literatures of South Asia.


Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Институт стран Азии и Африки
Институт стран Азии и Африки МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова

Председатель Оргкомитета - профессор М.С. Мейер, директор института стран Азии и Африки МГУ.
Члены оргкомитета:
секция лингвистики - К. Суббарао, О. Коуль, Б.А. Захарьин, Л.В. Хохлова (lvik@orc.ru), Е.В. Панина (panina_e@mail.ru);
секция литературоведения - Н. Саксена (nsneelam79@yahoo.com), Е. О. Акимушкина (eakimushkina@mail.ru), А. М. Дубянский (dubian@iaas.msu.ru), А. Джанвиджай (aniljanvijay@gmail.com), М.А. Русанов (marusanov@yandex.ru), С.Д. Серебряный (s.serebriany@gmail.com), А.А. Столяров (astol007@gattamelata.com), Г.В. Стрелкова (gstr@mail.ru).

Ответственный секретарь Оргкомитета - Е.Н. Бугаенко (katjagrjunvald@rambler.ru)

Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University
Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow)

Head of the Organizing committee - Professor M.S. Meyer, Director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies, MSU
Members of the Organizing committee:
Linguistics - Prof. K. Subbarao, Prof. O.N. Koul, Prof. B. Zakharyin, Dr. L. Khokhlova (lvik@orc.ru), Dr. E. Panina (panina_e@mail.ru),
Literature - Prof. Neelam Saxena (nsneelam79@yahoo.com), Dr. E. Akimushkina (eakimushkina@mail.ru), Dr. A. Dubyanskiy (dubian@iaas.msu.ru), A. Janvijay (aniljanvijay@gmail.com), Dr. M. Rusanov (marusanov@yandex.ru), Prof. S. Serebriany (s.serebriany@gmail.com), Dr. A. Stolyarov (astol007@gattamelata.com),
Dr. G. Strelkova (gstr@mail.ru)

Executive Secretary of Organizing committee: Ekaterina Bugayenko (katjagrjunvald@rambler.ru)

Organizing committee Head: Professor M.S. Meyer, Director, Institute of Asian and African Studies, MSU
Linguistics: Dr. L. Khokhlova (lvik@orc.ru), Dr. E. Panina (panina_e@mail.ru), Prof. B. Zakharyin
Literature: Prof. Neelam Saxena (nsneelam79@yahoo.com), Dr. E. Akimushkina (eakimushkina@mail.ru), Dr. A. Dubyanskiy (dubian@iaas.msu.ru), A. Janvijay (aniljanvijay@gmail.com), Dr. M. Rusanov (marusanov@yandex.ru), Prof. S. Serebriany (s.serebriany@gmail.com), Dr. A. Stolyarov (astol007@gattamelata.com),
Dr. G. Strelkova (gstr@mail.ru)
Secretary: E. Bugayenko (katjagrjunvald@rambler.ru)

Контактная информация

Executive Secretary of Organizing committee - E. Bugayenko (e-mail: katjagrjunvald@rambler.ru)