22 - 26 Jun 2017
ASU, Barnaul, Россия

Summer Academy of the BRICS Youth Assembly

Summer Academy of the BRICS Youth Assembly


The main objectives of the Academy are the development of common work vectors for large national youth organizations of the BRICS countries, the creation of international project teams with the prospect of implementing of joint large-scale youth projects, the establishment of scientific and educational links for interdisciplinary study of global political, social, cultural processes, organization of joint laboratories, trainings, realization of academic mobility programs.

A substantial program of the Academy will include expert sessions, panel discussions, roundtables on a wide range of opportunities for youth cooperation within the BRICS, aimed at increasing of the level of competencies of youth leaders and developing youth interaction in specific areas (entrepreneurship, science, culture, journalism, information technology, etc. ). One of the key topics of discussion will be preparations for the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi.

Experts of the Academy will be representatives of the National Council of Youth and Children's Associations of Russia and leading scientists of the Altai State University.

Within the framework of the Academy there will be a rich eco-educational and excursion program "Crossroads of the Worlds" with a visit to the pearl of the region - the Altai Mountains.


For participation in the Academy  invited: government and municipal structures working with youth, the business communities, the media, leaders of youth and student associations of the BRICS member-countries, whose scope of activity and interests are associated with the development of international youth cooperation and public diplomacy

The working language of the Academy are Russian and English.


Altai State University

Altai State University (ASU) was founded by the Decree of USSR Ministries Council № 179 dated March 27, 1973 in Barnaul as an autonomous higher educational institution. At the time of the opening the university included 3 faculties with several departments.

Today the university is the largest educational institution in the South of Siberia, with about 18 thousands of undergraduate and postgraduate students trained in a variety of specialties, from executives and economists to biologists, mathematicians and chemists,  highly demanded not only within the region but across the country and abroad.


Altai State University has 12 faculties, a college, more than 70 departments and several branches in the major population centers of the Altai Region. On the basis of several academic institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science and joint laboratories, specially created at the university, there are conducted joint researches on the applicable and regional topics. The university operates its own printing and publishing complex, scientific library, which has more than 1 million items.

The Program of Strategic Development and the Program of Development of Students’ Associations Activities, implemented nowadays in the university, open up new growth opportunities. Significant prospect for development is the creation on the bases of Altai State University of an Asian University aimed at training of highly qualified personnel, not only for Asian countries - neighbors of the near abroad, but also for China, Mongolia, Afghanistan and India.


Anton Anatoliyevich Tselevich, the Head of the ASU Department of Educational and Extracurricular Activities, E-mail: celevisch@mail.ru , tel.: +7(3852)298-130;


Anna Aleksandrovna Bakunkina participants relations manager of work with participants, E-mail: anna.asu@mail.ru. 

About partners

The Conference is conducted on the initiative of the National Council of Youth and Children's Associations of Russia in the framework of the program of ASU students’ unions’ activity development in 2017 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Association of Asian Universities.

Cost of participation

Expenses for accommodation, meals and participation in the program of the conference are covered by the host party. Traveling expenses to the Academy and back are covered by your sending party.