6th International scientific conference for undergraduate and postgraduate students “Public Administration in XXI century: Personality, Society, Business and Government”
6th International scientific conference for undergraduate and postgraduate students “Public Administration in XXI century: Personality, Society, Business and Government”
Academy of Public Administration informs of the 6th International scientific conference for undergraduate and postgraduate students “Public Administration in XXI century: Personality, Society, Business and Government”.
Suggested subject areas are as follows:
Those who cannot attend the Conference in person may join it online.
The working languages are Russian and English.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students from Russia and foreign countries are invited to apply for participation in the conference.
The conference will be held on May 14-15, 2018 at the Academy of Public Administration (Moscow, “Sviblovo” metro station, Yeniseyskaya st., 3, bldg. 3, 5).
Participants of the conference are selected on the competitive basis.
The application is to be sent to the Conference Planning Committee not later than April 20, 2018.
Please, fill in the on-line application form with abstract enclosed (200-400 words): https://goo.gl/gyL9XR.
Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Further information is available on the official website of the Academy of Public Administration: www.asou-mo.ru and by e-mail nso@asou-mo.ru (Daria Popova).
Ministry of Education of Moscow Region Moscow Region State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Academy of Public Administration"
Student scientific society of the "Academy of Public Administration"
Participation in the conference is free of charge.