International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Lomonosov-2018"
Kokoshin А.А. (Chairman) – Dean, Head of Chair of International Security, School of World Politics, Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Dr. Sc. (History);
Bartenev V.I. (Deputy Chairman) – Deputy Dean for Research, Associate Professor, School of World Politics, PhD (History);
Yudin N.V. (Deputy Chairman) – The Student Scientific Society Curator, Associate Professor, Chair of International Organizations and World Political Processes, School of World Politics, PhD (History);
Oganisyan L.D., (Exec. Secretary) – Lecturer, Chair of International Organizations and World Political Processes, School of World Politics;
Savorskaya E.V. – Associate Professor, Chair of International Organizations and World Political Processes, Scientific Secretary, School of World Politics, PhD (Political Science);
Khlebnikova L.R. – Acting Head of Doctoral Studies, Reserch Fellow, School of World Politics, PhD (History).
Kokoshin Andrey Af. (Chairman), Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Dr. Sc. (History); Bartenev Vladimir I., PhD (History); Veselov Vasily Al.; Babynina Ludmila O., PhD (Political Science); Barsenkov Alexander S., Professor, Dr. Sc. (History); Bagdasaryan Nadezda G., Professor, Dr. Sc. (Philosophy); Zolotarev Vladimir An., Professor, Dr. Sc. (Нistory); Minaeva Ludmila Vl., Professor, Dr. Sc. (Philology); Kuznetsov Vasily A., PhD (History); Molchanov Nikolai An., Professor, Dr. Sc. (Military Science); Muzykantsky Alexander I., Professor, PhD (Technical Science); Naumkin Vitaly V., Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Dr. Sc. (Нistory); Sidorov Andrey A., PhD (History); Fenenko Aleksey V., PhD (History); Tatunts Svetlana A., Professor, Dr. Sc. (Sociology); YAKOVLEV Aleksandr I., Professor, Dr. Sc. (History).
1. International Security: Traditional Challenges and Threats
2. International Security: New Challenges and Threats
3. International Organizations and World Political Processes
4. Russia in Contemporary World Politics
5. Area Studies: The West
6. Area Studies: The East
7. Information Support of Foreign Policy
8. International Communications
Executive secretary – Oganisyan Lida, e-mail: Lomonosov.fmp@gmail.com.