Innovation Economics and management: methods and technologies
Innovation Economics and management: methods and technologies
Venue: Higher School of Management and Innovations, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, blg.51, Leninskie Gory, Moscow
Working languages: Russian, English.
Participation: in person, in absentia.
As a result of the Conference a digest of articles will be published, posted to the Scientific Electronic Library and registered in the scientometric database of RSCI (Russian science citation index). The UDC, LBC and international standard book number ISBN will be assigned to the digest.
The following people are invited to participate in the conference: Doctors of Sciences, Candidats of Scinces(PhD),postgraduate students, PhD candidates, researchers, specialists in different area of activities, lecturers, graduate and undergraduate students.
SECTION 1. "Innovative entrepreneurship and management"
SECTION 2. "Innovative technologies"
SECTION 3. "Innovations есоnomy"
SECTION 4. "Innovative technologies in education and social spheres"
Chaiperson: Ms V.V.Pechkovskaya – Acting Dean, Higher School of Management and Innovations, Lomonosov Moscow State University, PhD(Economics), Associate Professor
Organizing committee members:
Deputy Chairperson – Mr. О.А. Kosorukov, Dr.Tech.Sc., Professor.
Mr. S.A. Krasilnicov, Dr. Econ.Sc., Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Mr. M.A.Kuprichev – PhD(Economics), Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Ricardo Peters - Director of the Westen Cape University Business School (South Africa).
1st March, 2019 – Closing date for registration according to the form provided at the Please send your articles for peer review to
Before 3rd March, 2019 – Moscow State University informs the particiapnts of the conference about articles’ review results and collects form the participants documents reqired for Russian visa.
Before 18th April 2019 – MSU issues and sends to the participants official invitation required for applying for Russian visa(form of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) and the Conference programme.
Before 20th September 2019 – publishing of the Digest with articles by the participants of the Conference and delivery its electronic and printed versions to the participants.
Electronic version of the article has to be presented in MS Word format(doc/docx). Page format: A4 (210×297 mm). Margins: 2 cm on all sides. Font: size – 12; type – Times New Roman.. Line spacing – 1,5. Literature references are sited in square brackets (before the dot). The reference list must be provided. Do not use hyphenation and page numbering.
Articles of 3 to 8 pages are excepted.
Mr Oleg Anatolyevich KOSORUKOV
(peer review and selecting of the participants’ articles)
Ms Elizaveta Mikhaylovna PECHKOVSKAYA
(invitations, inquiries, hotel reservation, certificates, sending of digests)
Registration fee of 100$ is payable by foreign participants. This covers particiapation in the Conference, report presentation, publishing of the report (article) in the Conference Article Digest, meals, gala dinner and Moscow sightseeing tour.
In absentia participants can particiapate in the Conference, publish their articles and recive the digest after fee payment.
Payment is done after the article is accepted for publishing. The Organizing Committee will inform the the particiapant of the approval of the article within 3 working days.