Lomonosov 2019

International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Lomonosov"

Москва, Россия
Registration is closed
Abstract submission requirements

Abstract submission requirements

  1. Requirements for Abstracts submitted electronically
  2. General Abstract Submission Requirements for Sessions with Word-file upload
  3. Philology Session Abstract Submission Requirements
  4. Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Session Abstract Submission Requirements
  5. Geography Session Abstract Submission Requirements

Requirements for Abstracts submitted electronically

Automatic layout system is used to submit abstracts to most Sessions except for: Chemistry, Innovative Economics and Econometrics, Soil Science, Physics, Philology, Fundamental Materials Science and Nanomaterials, History of Ancient Civilizations subsession of History and History of Art Session, Expeditionary research sub-sessions of Geography Session. To submit your Abstract to the Sessions mentioned above you should use Word-file upload while following some additional requirements for the Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Session is needed.

  1. Into the abstract submission window you add only the text of the abstract. You should not add any extra information, s.a. the session title, the sub-session title, scientific research topic, name, last name, patronymic, institution and e-mail address since this information is already presented above the abstract submission window (it is automatically generated from the application you submitted to participate in the Conference).
  2. The length of an abstract is 2 pages for humanitarian sessions (up to 6,500 printed characters including spaces and bibliography), and 1 page for natural sciences sessions (up to 3000 printed characters including spaces and bibliography).
  3. To submit abstracts containing mathematical formulas you will need to use TeX digital typesetting system. In that case tick "I use TeX" which will make the system recognize specific TeX symbols and commands.
  4. References are presented in alphabetical order according to the author's last name, with Russian-language sources listed first, followed by English (and other)-language sources and then websites. Each source in the body of the abstract should be referenced as [1], [n1, n2, ...], where n1, n2 stand for the matching numbers of the sources in the reference list. 
    Here you can see some particular reference examples.
    Attention: When you upload your abstract through the automatic layout system do not number the sources in the reference list, the lines will be numbered automatically after saving the abstract. Press ENTER to switch to the next line of the list.
  5. Notes and citations are made using Harvard referencing style guide: the last name of the cited author (or the last name of the first author, if there are several authors), the year of publication and the page are given in parentheses in-text, while in the reference list (bibliography) at the end of the abstract all sources and publications are listed in alphabetical order. Archival materials are cited by the last name of the author or the beginning of the title in-text while in the reference list all the authors and full titles of the documents are provided with all the necessary information about the housing organization (repository, library, historical society etc.). Archaeological and ethnological findings are cited from their publications. Internet publications are described in accordance with the “GOST” standards and cited according to the general rules (Last name, Page title, Website name).
  6. Images are uploaded in jpg and png formats after inserting the text of the abstract.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Organizing Committee will not approve the abstracts that were not submitted according to the guidelines given above for the participation in the Conference.

General Abstract Submission Requirements for Sessions with Word-file upload

Word file upload is used in the following Sessions: Chemistry, Innovative Economics and Econometrics, Soil Science, Physics, Philology, Fundamental Materials Science and Nanomaterials, History of Ancient Civilizations sub-session of History and History of Art Session, Expeditionary research sub-sessions of Geography Session.

  1. The document must be in MS Word format (files are accepted ONLY with the .doc extension).
  2. Font: Times New Roman, size 12 and line spacing 1.0.
    Margins: upper and lower - 20 mm, left and right - 24 mm;
    for the "Physics" section: upper - 2 cm, lower - 2.22 cm, left and right- 2.4 cm.
  3. Drawings and graphs: sharp and black and white (black hatch is allowed). Table heads: do not tint, do not print in bold. Separate cells of the tables can be colored gray (black) only if it is meaningful.
  4. Build all formulas in MS Equation Editor. Avoid manual hyphenation.
  5. Abstracts must have the following output data:
    title of the article - new line, Times New Roman 12, bold, centered, without indentation;
    authors: last name, first name, patronymic of the authors (for each author – last name, space then initials (without a space between them)) - next line symmetrically in the center (Times New Roman 12, bold, italic, starting with first line);
    current status (student, postgraduate, staff), academic degree (title) - next line symmetrically in the center (Times New Roman 12, italic, centered without first line);
    full name of the university / institute, faculty, city and country - next line in the center (Times New Roman 12, italic);
    e-mail address - next line symmetrically in the center (Times New Roman 12, italic).
    If you are submitting as several authors working in different organizations, then after the initials you need to put an upper index (1, 2, etc.) that corresponds with an organization indicated below. If one or several authors work in the same organization the index is not needed. No full points after the headings.
  6. The body of the abstract (Times New Roman 12, full justification, beginning of a new paragraph - an indentation of 0.7 cm).
  7. The length of an abstract is 2 pages for humanitarian sessions and Physics including, and 1 typewritten page (sheet of A4 format) for natural sciences sessions including output information and bibliography.
  8. Reference numbers must be in square brackets linked to the corresponding sources in the reference list.
  9. Abstracts should be orthographically and grammatically correct, usage of appropriate style is required. For special symbols the upper and lower indices (for example, CO2 or m2) should be used.

Abstract layout example

Determinants of the internal migration of the population in modern Russia

Ivanov Ivan Andreevich

Assistant Professor

Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Faculty of Economics, Moscow, Russia

E–mail: ivanov@yandex.ru

In modern Russia, the level of internal migration flow of the population is extremely low. So, if the average US resident changes his residence approximately 13 times during his/her lifetime, the average Russian citizen does so slightly more than 1.5 times [2, 3]. Unlike economically developed countries, in which internal migration acts as the main mechanism for the redistribution of the population between the regions of the country in response to changes in political, socio-economic, demographic and other living conditions in these countries, in Russia at the moment internal migration is not an important factor of equalization of the interregional differentiation of levels of social and economic development.


The research showed that increasing the migration flow of the population between the regions of the country is an important prerequisite for smoothing the interregional differentiation of levels of social and economic development in modern Russia and ensuring sustainable economic development of the country in the short term.


  1. Aleshkovsky I.A. Internal migration of the population in modern Russia. М.: TEIS. 2007.
  2. Ivanov I.A., Ivanov V.A. Determinants of internal migration of the population in modern Russia / / The Moscow University Herald. 2006, Series 6, The Economy, №2.
  3. Ivanov I.A. Determinants of internal migration of the population: analysis of domestic and foreign research / Ed. prof. V.A. Iontsev. M.: Max Press. 2006.
  4. Cadwallader, M.T. Migration and Residential Mobility: Macro and Micro Approaches. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press. 1992.
  5. Pandit, K. Cohort and Period Effects in U.S. Migration: How Demographic and Economics Cycle Influence the Migration Schedule // Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 1997, №87(3). p. 439–450.
  6. www.gks.ru (Russian Federal State Statistics Service)

Philology Session Abstract Submission Requirements

  1. Length: strictly up to a maximum of 6000 characters (with spaces), statistics should be viewed through "service – statistics", other methods give approximate results. Abstracts that exceed the maximum number of characters will be rejected automatically. The upper and lower margins – 2 cm, the left and right margins – 2.5 cm.
  2. Font: Times New Roman exclusively. For Greek use the "Symbols" panel in this font, for ancient Russian letters - the standard font Lucida Sans Unicode or Palatino Linotype that have letters like yat, fita and yusy in their character set. Use the phrase "examples are given in simplified spelling" in the notes. Font size – 12, single line spacing, justified, first line with an indentation of 1.25 cm. Do not use Tab key or Space key to mark the beginning of the paragraph, use "Format - paragraph - indent: first line - 1.25 ".
  3. Footnotes are not allowed. In-text references placed in square brackets must contain the author’s name and year of publication (if several texts of the same author are used) and exact pages of the cited fragments and they must correspond with the sources in the reference list.
    For example, in an abstract, two scientific works by Ivanov are used published in 2000 and 2002. The first reference would be: [Ivanov 2000: 51]; the second one - [Ivanov 2002: 151]. If one scientific work by Petrov is used, the link looks like this: [Petrov: 50]. Other possible references: [Petrov, Ivanov: 67-68], [Ibid: 69].
  4. The sources used in the abstract (no more than 5) are listed at the end of the text as References/ Bibliography. You must only list the sources directly cited in the abstract. Do not list any extra materials read and studied to prepare for your research. Example to be followed:
    Petrov V.V. Remarkable thoughtful work. M., 1999.
    Ivanov V.V. Even more wonderful and thoughtful work. Paris, 2000.
    Petrov V.V., Ivanov V.V. How we wrote our remarkable works // Herald of Horticulture. 2001. № 5. P.67-68.
    Ivanov V.V. Collected writings. Op.: In 13v. St. Petersburg., 2002. T.8.
    Moscow (M.) and Leningrad (L.), and St. Petersburg (SPB) are abbreviated. Page numbers for separate articles are indicated in the reference list. The publisher is not specified. The number of pages in the book is not specified. Check the correct usage of full stops, commas, spaces, and large and small letters.
    Links to websites and electronic publications of articles are provided simply as follows: http://www.gramota.ru/
    You can see more detailed style guidelines and specific examples of bibliography on the website of the Council of Young Scientists of the Philological Faculty: www.philol.msu.ru/~smu.
  5. The abstract file should contain the following output data, typed in small (lower case, not uppercase!) letters:
    • title of the scientific research (new line, symmetrically in the center);
    • last names, names and patronymics of the authors (for each author – start with the last name) - next line symmetrically in the center;
    • current status (student, postgraduate student or staff), academic degree (title) - line symmetrically in the center;
    • full name of the university / institute. Then city and country - same line.


My first, but already remarkable scientific research

Ivanova Maria Vasilyevna

Student of Paris Institute of Horticulture, Paris, France

Student of Paris Institute of Horticulture, Paris, France

Anonymous works and abstracts without titles will be automatically rejected.

  1. Drawings and graphs: sharp and black and white (black hatch is allowed). Do not overuse drawings and tables. A table should not take more than a third of the length of the abstract.
  2. Abstracts should be orthographically and grammatically correct, usage of appropriate style is required, otherwise they will be rejected. The working languages of the conference are Russian and English. The use of English should be competent.
  3. Abstracts can have no more than 2 co-authors (students, postgraduates student or young scientists). Co-authorship with your research supervisor is not allowed.

Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Session Abstract Submission Requirements

Abstracts should meet the requirements and be based on the template, provided on the Council of young scientists CMC website (link: http://smu.cs.msu.ru/activity/conferences/lomonosov/2017). The CMC Session publishes a printed copy of the collection of abstracts (with ISBN) to be distributed among the participants, while the on-line version is available on its website. By sending an abstract to the CMC Session the applicants express consent to their publication in the Collection of abstracts of the Session. More detailed information is available here:http://smu.cs.msu.ru/activity/conferences/lomonosov/2017

Geography Session Abstract Submission Requirements

Please be aware that the Organizing Committee of the Session considers and approves nothing but INDIVIDUALLY prepared scientific works. Expeditionary Research is the only sub-session where co-authorship is allowed. Only expeditions organized within the framework of the Students’ Scientific Society of the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University are allowed to participate in the "Expeditionary Research" sub-session in 2019. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Organizing Committee of the Session.

Abstracts must be submitted according to the requirements given above, otherwise the application will be REJECTED automatically.