24 - 27 Sep 2019
24 - 27 Sep 2019
ЮФУ, Rostov-on-Don, Россия

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Architecture and art: from theory to practice"

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Architecture and art: from theory to practice"


International Scientific and Practical Conference

"Architecture and art: from theory to practice"


20-27 сентября 2019 года



Dear colleagues!


We invite you to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Architecture and Art: from theory to practice" in Rostov-on-Don from September 20-27, 2019

The objectives of the conference: exchange of views on the problems and issues of theory, history and practice of architecture, design, art.

Conference languages: Russian, English.




At the plenary session of the conference are planned presentations by leading scientists, representatives of the professional community and public organizations dealing with theory and practice of architecture, design, and arts. It is supposed to cover the results of new research of world and domestic architecture, urban planning, design and art, discussion of topical issues of theory and practice.

Within the framework of the conference it is planned to hold an online meeting with remote participation of speakers who do not have the opportunity to come to Rostov-on-Don.


The conference will discuss the following issues:


• History and theory of architecture and art.

• Problems of preservation, reconstruction and restoration of historical and cultural heritage.

• Architecture of buildings and structures: social and environmental aspects of design.

• Architectural and planning features of designing public buildings and architectural and design aspects of the formation of the urban environment and interiors of buildings and populated areas.

• Information technologies in architecture, town planning, design, art.

• Modeling of architectural structures.

• The problems of teaching the discipline "Drawing" in an architectural and art high school.

• Traditions and innovations of arts and crafts.

• Complex artistic and design of environment spaces.

• Tendencies and problems of architectural and artistic education.

• Problems of general artistic preparation of students of architectural and artistic specialties

• Theoretical and scientific basis of district planning and urban planning.

• Modern engineering and construction technologies and materials.

• Organizational and economic problems of the functioning and development of architectural and art organizations.


The conference materials will be registered in the science-based database

RINC (Russian Scientific Citation Index)


To participate in the conference it is necessary to fill out an application and send it along with the text of the report to the email address  or  by August 31, 2019.






Working languages of the conference proceedings: Russian, English

The text editor is Microsoft Word.

The format is A4.

Fields - 2 cm from all sides.

Font - Times New Roman.

Font size is 12.

Line spacing is 1.0.

Indentation - 1.5.

Orientation - book, without inserting pages, without hyphenation, preferably without any marks on fields.

The formula editor is the Microsoft Office suite (Math Type).

Graphs, tables and figures - in the text of the article.

UDC (see, for example: or

Surname, name, patronymic of the author (s) - in Russian and English. Font size - 12, italics, bold, right alignment.

Full name of the organization (institution) being represented  - in Russian and English. Font size - 10, right alignment.

The title of the article in Russian and English languages is center. Font size - 14, bold

The annotation (Brief summary of the article) in Russian and English languages indicates the novelty of this article. The recommended average annotation volume is 500 characters. The abstract contains a description of the main topic, the purpose of the work and its results. Font size - 10, italics.

Key words and phrases in Russian and English (at least 5-7). Font size - 10, italics.

The text of the article is alignment by width. Font size - 12.

Links in the text are made on the following pattern: [1, p. 195], [3, p. 20; 7, p. 68], [4], [8, d. 143, p. 8].

List the literature in alphabetical order at the end of the article in the form of a numbered list.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select and edit materials. The Organizing Committee does not organize the review of the submitted materials and does not return them to the authors. In case of inconsistency of the submitted materials with the requirements for the formulation of articles or the violation of the deadlines, the editorial board reserves the right to return the articles without consideration.

The publication of the report in the conference proceedings is do at the expense of the organizers.





Annex 1




Surname, name of the author (in full)


Country city


Place of study or work




contact number




Skype login


The form of participation in the conference (internally, in absentia, online)




Number of article pages










Annex 2



УДК 728


Фамилия Имя Отчество

Surname, Name

Название организации, Страна.

Name of organization, Country.


Городское сельское хозяйство - адаптивный ответ

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Organizing Committee.



Южный федеральный университет, Академия Архитектуры и Искусств


To participate in the conference it is necessary to fill out an application and send it along with the text of the report to the email address  or  by August 31, 2019.

Cost of participation

The publication of the report in the conference proceedings is do at the expense of the organizers.