The conference program includes a plenary session and the work of sections in the following areas:
1. Socio-economic and financial problems at the macro and micro levels;
2. Sustainable development of regions and economic entities in conditions of economic security;
3. Intercultural communications in the context of socio-cultural globalization;
4. Scientific creative projects of young researchers (only students of the Altai branch of the Financial University take part in this section);
5. Competition for College students "Memory of the great Patriotic war in the minds of young people of the XXI Century", dedicated to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945.
Requirements for the content of reports:
compliance with the conference profile;
formulation of specific problems and the designation of its relevance;
emphasizing the main points of the author's position;
justification of elements of scientific novelty and (or) practical significance.
Duration of the report:
at the plenary session-10-15 minutes.
on the section-7-10 min.
At the end of the conference, a collection of abstracts will be published in Infra-M printing house, Moscow. The collection will be published in the Scientific electronic library ( and in the "Google Scholar" system, included in the Russian scientific citation index (RSCI).
Requirements to registration of abstracts:
Volume-should not exceed 3 pages; sheet format-A4; font-Times New Roman, size – 14; line spacing-single (in tables – font 12, single interval). Orientation is portrait. All page margins: 2 cm, text Alignment – on width of the page. Paragraph indent-1.25.
References to sources when quoting are given in the text of the work in square brackets with the indication of the source number in the list of references. The list of references is placed at the end of the abstracts, numbered in the order of citation. The text must be edited stylistically and technically.
If tables, figures, graphs, and formulas are available in the text, they must contain references to their numbering. Tables must have headers placed above the table field, and each drawing must have a caption.
The organizing Committee reserves the right to check the submitted works in the "Antiplagiat" system and reject works that do not meet the requirements. The level of originality of abstracts is not less than 60% - 70% of the total text volume.
Abstracts for publication must contain:
1. UDC code;
2. Title of the article;
3. Full information about the author (s): first name, patronymic, last name, academic title (for students, specify: student or undergraduate), position, full name of the organization with the postal address, country, e-mail;
4. Abstract (30-50 words);
5. Keywords (5-7 words and phrases);
6. Abstract text;
7. List of sources used;
There is no registration fee. No more than one article is accepted from one participant. Travel, accommodation and travel expenses are paid by the sending party. Foreign and nonresident participants are provided with a hostel at the expense of the sending party.
The program of the conference (plenary and breakout sessions) will be formed after consideration of applications by the organizing Committee.
Алтайский филиал, Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации
Altai branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Fasenko Tatyana Evgenievna - Deputy Director for Research, Altai Branch of the Financial University, Ph.D. econ. sciences, associate professor.
656038, Barnaul, ave. Lenin, 54, office 516.
tel. (3852) 56-92-73, e-mail
Kokhanenko Dmitry Vasilievich - Researcher at the Altai branch of the Financial University.
Kosyonkova Polina Andreevna - Junior Researcher, Altai Branch of the Financial University.
About partners
Ministry of Education and Science of Altai Krai
Free Economic Society of Russia
Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
International University of Central Asia
Polessky State University, Republic of Belarus
Altai State Technical University n.a. I.I. Polzunova
Altai State University
Altai State Agrarian University
Altai State Pedagogical University
Cost of participation
Participation in the conference and publication is free of charge.