The youth interdisciplinary teleconference "The science of the present for the medicine of the future"
The youth interdisciplinary teleconference "The science of the present for the medicine of the future"
On June 19, 2020 at 15:00 Lomonosov Moscow State University supported by the Russian Union of Rectors and the Russian Science Foundation is conducting the interdisciplinary teleconference for students, graduate students and young scientists “The science of the present for future medicine”, which is dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker.
Researchers will present the first results of scientific projects aimed at addressing the priority tasks of medicine and healthcare, including:
· technologies and methods of medical diagnostics;
· development of vaccines and medicines;
· supercomputer computing for medicine;
· genetic technologies and epigenetic processes;
· the normal brain and its pathology;
· and much more.
Young scientists will share their experience in filing applications for the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of science and innovation for young scientists, as well as other scholarships and grants. Teleconference speakers will answer questions, exchange opinions and promising ideas in key areas of basic and clinical medical research.
To participate in the teleconference it is necessary to submit an application through the electronic registration system of the Lomonosov scientific portal by 23:59 on June 18, 2020: conf.msu.ru/eng/event/6301/ . All registered participants will receive a link to connect to the ZOOM video conferencing service 4 hours before the event.
For all organizational inquiries, please contact the co-chairman of the Student Union of MSU Ekaterina Zimakova by e-mail zimakova@rector.msu.ru or mobile phone + 7 (985) 290-0077.