XXVII International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Space Research in the Modern Context
The session will consider a broad range of issues connected with space exploration and applying results of space activities in various spheres. A distinguishing feature of the session is multidisciplinary analysis of space issues in terms of both STEM disciplines and social and economic sciences.
The session is aimed at undergraduates, postgraduates and young researchers in science, technology, and humanities, interested in space issues.
1. Mathematical Models in Space (moderator: Vasiliy V. Sazonov, PhD, Acting Dean, Faculty of Space Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University).
The sub-session deals with application of mathematical methods and computer technology in tasks related to different aspects of aerospace activities, including computer modelling and decision making systems.
2. Theoretical and Applied Issues in Earth Remote Sensing (moderator: Evgeny A. Lupyan, PhD, Head of the Department of Satellite Monitoring Technology, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences).
The sub-session embraces a range of tasks arising in Earth remote sensing: imaging planning, image processing, conducting interdisciplinary research with the help of satellite constellations, as well as data analysis.
3. Mixed Reality in Aerospace Systems (moderator: Professor Vladimir V. Alexandrov, PhD, Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Control, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University).
The sub-session will consider a range of issues connected with the use of virtual reality and mixed reality technologies in space research and space exploration, i.e. during preparation for spaceflight, spacecraft launch, cosmonaut/ astronaut training, etc.
4. Current Management Issues in the Aerospace Sector (moderator: Professor Irina N. Mysliaeva, PhD, Head of the Department of Economics and Management in the Space Sector, Faculty of Space Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University).
The sub-session will focus on management and effective performance of the space sector both in Russia and in other countries, challenges of public-private partnerships in the space sector, commercialization of space products, innovations, and technologies, prospects and opportunities for development of the space sector.
5. Projects of Young Space Researchers (moderator: Professor Inna V. Sadovnichaya, PhD, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Space Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University).
The sub-session will feature project and research results of high school pupils and first-year undergraduates excited about space research. In their project presentations, participants will demonstrate results of space-related practical activities and describe peculiarities of research and practice conducted by young enthusiasts interested in space.