XLVII International RSACS Conference “Overcoming: Cultivating Ideals through Overcoming Barriers in American Culture" Moscow, December 1-4, 2021
Application is done electronically by filling in the corresponding fields, preferably in bilingual form, in English and Russian. But it is possible to apply only in English, as official languages of the conference are English and Russian.
Participants are requested to send an abstract of their presentation also in a doc or docx file form to larmih@gmail.com to facilitate forming the conference program.
Sample Application form for a doc file
П.И. Кропоткин
Название ВУЗа по-русски, город, страна
Название доклада по-русски не заглавными буквами
Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст
(до трехсот слов, постановка проблемы и основные выводы )
Peter Kropotkin
Affiliation in English, city, country
The Paper Title in English in bold type without caps lock
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
(Up to 300 words, characterize your approach and main points)