Mediation: relevance, modernity, innovation

All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Mediation: relevance, modernity, innovativeness”

Липецк, Россия
ЛГПУ имени П. П. Семёнова-Тян-Шанского
Registration is closed
19 Oct 2022
10:00 - 15:00
ЛГПУ имени П. П. Семёнова-Тян-Шанского, Липецк, Россия

Mediation: relevance, modernity, innovation

All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Mediation: relevance, modernity, innovativeness”


Researchers, researchers and teachers, doctoral students, graduate students and students, employees of state and municipal bodies and institutions, practicing lawyers are invited to participate in the conference. It is possible to participate full-time and part-time, as well as remote participation using videoconferencing technologies.

The main scientific directions of the conference:
1. Topical issues of the use of mediation technologies in Russia and abroad: issues of theory and history.
2. Mediation as one of the promising areas of social and legal policy of the state.
3. Mediation technologies in the system of resolving public law and political disputes.
4. Features of the use of mediation technologies in resolving private law disputes (in civil, family and labor law).
5. Conciliation procedures in civil, arbitration, administrative and criminal proceedings.
6. Online mediation as a modern way to resolve conflicts.
7. School mediation and reconciliation services: problems of implementation and prospects for activity.
8. The use of mediation technologies in resolving ethnic and international conflicts.

All conference participants will be provided with personalized electronic certificates.
The materials of the conference will be included in the collection of scientific papers. The electronic version of the publication will be indexed in the RSCI on the platform.

Details of the event can be found in the information letter.


Липецкий государственный педагогический университет имени П.П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского

Department of State and Legal Disciplines


Address of the organizing committee: Russian Federation, Lipetsk, st. Lenina, 42, bldg. 2, cab . 323; tel.: +7 (4742) 32-83-37.
Contact person: Roman S. Markov, Lecturer at the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky Leningrad State Pedagogical University, tel.: +7 (980) 353-73-89 mail:

About partners


Lipetsk regional branch of the all-Russian public organization “Association of Lawyers of Russia”.

Cost of participation

Participation in the conference is free. Payment for travel and accommodation of non-resident participants of the conference is made at the expense of travel expenses of the sending party.
For persons wishing to publish articles in a collection of scientific papers, the registration fee is calculated at the rate of 1 page of text - 150 rubles (the minimum cost of publication is 300 rubles).