30th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
In 2023 the Conference’s section of Political Science will be run within the following subsections:
1. "Conflicts in the digital space in the context of the formation of new media corporations" (section heads — M.V.Gorbachev, I.A.Bronnikov, S.I.Belov),
2. "Modern political theory: new challenges" (section heads — Yu.D.Artamonova, I.I.Kuznetsov),
3. "Politics in the historical process" (section heads — R.A.Evtekhov, N.A.Chetyrina, A.V. Topychkanov),
4. "Political knowledge in the modern era: new directions and methods" (section heads — V.A.Sobolev, V.V.Delov),
5. "Political and psychological features of political processes in modern Russia and in the world" (section heads — E.B. Shestopal, T.V. Evgenieva, A.L. Zverev, T.N. Pishcheva, I.S.Palitay),
6. "Youth policy in modern Russia: socio-psychological and managerial aspects" (section heads — A.V.Selezneva, S.Yu.Popova),
7. "Russia in foreign socio-political ideas" (section heads — K.M.Anderson, A.A.Zotkin, O.D.Talskaya),
8. "The West in Russian socio-political ideas" (section heads — S.V.Perevezentsev, B.A.Prokudin, O.E.Sorokopudova),
9. "Political textology" (section heads — A.A.Shirinyants, A.V.Myrikova, V.A.Boldin, A.F.Yakovleva),
10. "The influence of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine on world politics" (section head — K.A.Cherevyk),
11. "Russian Science of International Relations: competing trends and general trends" (section head — P.A.Tsygankov),
12. "Opportunities and horizons of Russia in the conditions of a new political reality" (section heads — V.I.Kovalenko, A.P.Kochetkov),
13. "Foreign policy of modern states in the conditions of formation of new centers of power" (section heads — A.L.Demchuk, V.M.Kapitsyn),
14. "Technologies of digital communication and artificial intelligence in modern politics" (section head — S.V.Volodenkov),
15. "Fundamental problems of modern socio-political development: the view of young researchers" (section heads — D.A.Kozlova, D.A.Stepanchenko) — section of the Scientific Student Society Faculty of Political Science.
16. “The politics of memory: research methodology and application practices” (section heads — D.A.Anikin, A.Yu.Bubnov, S.I.Golubev)
Andrey Frolov, the Executive Secretary of the Political Science Section
E-mail: frolov@polit.msu.ru