30th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Marine research for the future of the planet
Organizing Committee:
Academician Mikhail P. Kirpichnikov, Dean of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University
Corresponding member Nikolai N. Eremin, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University
Academician Sergey A. Dobrolyubov, Dean of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University
Vladimir E. Fedosov, Leading researcher of the Department of Ecology and Geography of Plants of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University
Violetta V. Shanina, Senior research of the Department of Engineering and Ecological Geology of the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University
Valentina A. Toporina, Research Scientist of the Department of Environmental Management of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University
Council of Experts:
Academician Mikhail P. Kirpichnikov, Dean of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University
Corresponding member Nikolai N. Eremin, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University
Academician Sergey A. Dobrolyubov, Dean of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University
Members of the Council of Experts:
Grigory G. Akhmanov - associate professor of the Petroleum Department of the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University
Mikhail L. Vladov – professor, head of the Department of Seismics and Geoacoustics
Alexander N. Demidov - senior research of the Department of Oceanology of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University
Fedor N. Gippius - researcher of the Department of Oceanology of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University
Evgenia V. Karpova - associate professor, head of the Department of Petroleum Sedimentology and Marine Geology of the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University
Antonina V. Stupakova – professor, head of the Petroleum Department of the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University
Mikhail Y. Tokarev - leading researcher of the Department of Seismics and Geoacoustics
Yury Y. Dgebuadze - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Hydrobiology and General Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
Vladimir V. Ilyinsky - professor of the department. Hydrobiology and General Ecology Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
Elena N. Temereva — professor of the department. invertebrate zoology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
Aleksey E. Solovchenko - professor of the department. Bioengineering Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
Elizaveta A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya — Corresponding Member. RAS, Head of the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
Ilya I. Gordeev — Senior Researcher cafe invertebrate zoology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
Andrey I. Azovsky — prof. cafe Hydrobiology and General Ecology Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
Elizaveta N. Vinogradova— Senior Researcher cafe Microbiology Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University
Subsection subjects:
Contact information:
E-mail: fedosov_v@mail.ru
Violetta Shanina
E-mail: viosha@mail.ru
E-mail: valya-geo@yandex.ru