31st International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Sidorov A.A. (Chairman) - Dean of the Faculty of World Politics (FWP), Head of the Department of International Organizations and World Political Processes, Ph;
Ponamareva A.M. (Vice-Chairman) - Deputy Dean for Research of the Faculty of World Politics, Associate Professor of the Department of International Security, Ph;
N.V. Yudin. (Vice-Chairman) - Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Vestnik of Moscow University. Series 25. International Relations and World Politics"; Associate Professor at the Department of International Organizations and World Political Processes, Ph;
O.M. Naryshkina - Senior Lecturer, Deputy Dean for Extracurricular Activities;
Ogannisyan L.D. - Lecturer of the Chair of International Organizations and World Political Processes, Ph;
Veselov Y.A. (executive secretary) - Lecturer of the Chair of International Organizations and World Political Processes
President of the Faculty of World Politics, Dr. Slutsky L.E. (Chairman); Candidate of Political Science Babynina L.O.; Dr, Professor A.S. Barsenkov; V.I. Bartenev, Ph.D.; V.A. Veselov, Ph.D.; RAS Academician, Ph.D. Kokoshin; V.A. Kuznetsov, Ph.D.; L.V. Minaeva, Ph.D. in Philology; Ph, A.B. Logunov; A.I. Musicantsky, Ph.D.; V.V. Naumkin, Academician of RAS, Doctor of History, Professor; A.M. Ponamareva, Candidate of Socio-Economic Sciences; N.I. Piskunova, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences Sidorov A.A.; Doctor of Historical Sciences Skorospelova T.V.; Professor, Doctor of Social Sciences Tatunts S.A.; Doctor of Political Sciences Fenenko A.V.; Candidate of Historical Sciences Yudin N.V.; Doctor of Historical Sciences.
1. International security: space and world policy
2. International Security: New and Traditional Challenges and Threats.
3. International organizations and global political processes
4. Political and socio-economic processes in the Eurasian space
5. Regional problems of international relations
6. Information support for foreign policy
7. International communications
Executive secretary - Veselov Yury Aleksandrovich, e-mail: