ECINT School

IV International Summer School on Engineering Computing in Nuclear Technology

Москва, Россия
Регистрация закрыта
1 - 12 Июл 2019
НИЯУ МИФИ, Москва, Россия

ECINT School

IV International Summer School on Engineering Computing in Nuclear Technology

О мероприятии
The International Summer School on Engineering Computing in Nuclear Technology provides certified training in mathematical modelling of physical processes. The school aims at the solution of complex engineering problems by means of inter-coupled numerical modelling (multiphysics).
The school introduces modern international and Russian engineering codes (MCU, FlowVision, Fidesys, Star CCM+, KOMPAS-3D and LOGOS) and focuses on the application of software for the solution of engineering problems in neutron physics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and mechanical engineering.
The two-weeks summer school contains plenary sessions with well-known specialists in Nuclear and Process Technology, theory lectures, computing tutorials and an individual computational project.  
Working language – English.


Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ»
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering
Laboratory on Engineering Computer Modeling in Nuclear Technologies
115409 Russian Federation, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 31
+7 495 788 56 99 
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Engineering and Science
Norway, 5063 Bergen, Inndalsveien 28
+ 47 55 58 50 63

Контактная информация

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Laboratory on Engineering Computer Modeling in Nuclear Technologies
Georgy Tikhomirov, doctor of ph.-math. science, professor, deputy director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering of the NRNU MEPhI, head of the ECM Laboratory
+7 495 788 56 99 (add. 8441)
Ekaterina Bogdanova, engineer of the ECM Laboratory, NRNU MEPhI
+7 916 288 39 19
Boris V. Balakin, professor in fluid mechanics
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
+ 47 55 58 50 63

О партнёрах

National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute»    
Regional network for education and training in Nuclear Technology STAR-NET  
Engineering company TESIS
Engineering company FIDESYS
Research and Software Development Centre APM  
Participation is free of charge.
Accommodation in the campus of NRNU MEPhI is less than 50 euros for the entire period.

Стоимость участия

Participation is free of charge.
Accommodation in the campus of NRNU MEPhI is less than 50 euros for the entire period.