29 Июн - 8 Июл 2024

SGEM GeoConference 2024

24th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2024

Албена, Болгария
SWS Society
Регистрация закрыта
29 Июн - 8 Июл 2024
SWS Society, Албена, Болгария

SGEM GeoConference 2024

24th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2024

О мероприятии

The International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM (Survey, Geology, Ecology and Management) are focused on GLOBAL WARMING, CLIMATE CHANGE, CO2 REDUCTION, BIODIVERSITY, AND GREEN TECHNOLOGIES FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE.

We are determined to protect the planet from degradation and transform our world. Sustainable consumption and production, Sustainable management of Natural Resources, taking Urgent action against climate change - are some of the main goals we must achieve to meet the needs of current and future generations.

The International Scientific GeoConferences SGEM bring together Scientists, Researchers, Educators and Government Representatives from all over the world to present their latest research, to exchange ideas and to define the research priorities in the fields of Earth & Planetary Sciences. Our overall objective is to propose potential solutions of problems related to the global changes, to contribute to the integration of environmental consideration into the decision-making process - to ensure that present consumption will not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The 24th International Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2024 will be held in the biggest and most modern Bulgarian sea-side resort and SPA Albena Complex, near Varna city, Bulgaria, in a 5-star, hi-tech Congress Centre MARITIM Paradise Blue.

All accepted, after peer review papers, are published in the Conference Proceedings (ISSN 1314-2704) and yearly are submitted for evaluation and indexation by Clarivate Analytics/ ProQuest, ELSEVIER products - SCOPUS, Mendeley and COMPENDEX, CrossRef, SPRINGER Nature, EBSCO Host, RSCI (Russian eLibrary - РИНЦ), Google Scholar, British Library and many others. All the accepted papers receive a unique DOI number, needed for recognition in the International databases.

The 24th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2024 is a conference and exhibition dedicated to solutions and innovations in 28 different scientific fields.

The SGEM Scientific Committee has a strong commitment of providing opportunities for conference participants to exchange knowledge and ideas, communicate and learn from each other. The conference programme combines number of sessions and events that are designed specifically to promote interactions among the on-site members of the knowledge geo-community. These range from more formal Oral and Poster sessions, through parallel Invited Session presentations and Workshop discussions, to informal coffee breaks and optional social activities.

Conference scope:

  • Geology
  • Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, and Geotechnics
  • Exploration and Mining
  • Mineral Processing
  • Applied and Environmental Geophysics
  • Oil and Gas Exploration
  • Informatics
  • Geoinformatics
  • Geodesy and Mine Surveying
  • Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
  • Cartography and GIS
  • Hydrology and Water Resources
  • Soils
  • Forest Ecosystems
  • Marine and Ocean Ecosystems
  • Nuclear Тechnologies
  • Renewable Energy Sources and Clean Technologies
  • Recycling
  • Air Pollution and Climate Change
  • Ecology and Environmental Protection
  • Environmental Economics
  • Education and Accreditation in GeoSciences
  • Environmental Legislation, Multilateral Relations and Funding Opportunities
  • Micro and Nano Technologies
  • Advances in Biotechnology
  • Green Buildings Technologies and Materials
  • Green Design and Sustainable Architecture
  • Space Technologies and Planetary Science



SWS Scholarly Society

The International Scientific GeoConferences SGEM bring together Scientists, Researchers, Educators and Government Representatives from all over the world to present their latest research, to exchange ideas and to define the research priorities in the fields of Earth & Planetary Sciences. Our overall objective is to propose potential solutions of problems related to the global changes, to contribute to the integration of environmental consideration into the decision-making process - to ensure that present consumption will not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Контактная информация


URL:  https://sgem.org
E-mail: sgem@sgem.org

Phone: +43 (1) 412 0158 (Vienna, Austria);  +39 (055) 093 7778 (Florence, Italy); +1 (332) 242 3077 (New York, USA);  +380 (44) 358 0780 (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Contact person: Secretariat Bureau

Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/sgem.org

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sgem-international-scientific-geoconferenceс-48033337

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOvttkNxX4OIMrtNLFIqg4g

Стоимость участия

Fees Early Bird/Regular













Virtual Lecturer/Publisher


