Секция «Журналистика»
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Подсекция «Стратегическая коммуникация (подсекция на английском языке)»
  1. Волковский Д.В. - Argumentation as an important discursive parameter in analysis of online deliberations
  2. Сычкова М.О. - Gender stereotypes in advertising in the context of domestic strategic communication: parameter of gender stereotype-mediated advertising
  3. Шилина М.Г. - New Strategic Communication Instruments in the Sustainable Development Context: a Case Study of the Belt and Road Initiative
  4. Киуру К.В. - Rock musicians as a tool for promoting brands in glossy magazine
  5. Дядина Т.Е. - Sports festivals as a communication technology to promote brand
  6. Шилина А.Г. - Strategic Communication in Blockchain Context: The Opportunities of Media Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
  7. Александронок Е.А. - Strategic Communication on Belorussian crowd-platform Talaka.org: How to improve its effectiveness?
  8. Алексеев А.В. - Strategic Communication: New paradigms of advertising on TikTok with digital natives
  9. Савенкова М.А. - Strategic decisions and the role of the producer in preparing a news release on regional channels in Russia
  10. Al-Shemmery F. - The new promotion strategies for the Swiss resort region in Moscow: analysis of digital communications and development of recommendations (example with the Dents du Midi region)
  11. Терехова М.А. - The new promotion strategies for the Swiss resort region in Moscow: analysis of digital communications and development of recommendations (example with the Dents du Midi region)
  12. Keke Y. - The strategic communication of the Chinese government in coronavirus incidents on Chinese media: Studying public trust on isolation and openness dichotomy
  13. Иванов А.В. - University's strategic communication: Forming a conceptual framework of research
  14. Кувшинова Д.Д. - Virtual influencer in Strategic Advertising Communication: innovative blog content and audience interest parameters (the case of Miquela Souza, virtual influencer (@lilmiquela))
Материалы Международного молодежного научного форума «ЛОМОНОСОВ-2020» [Электронный ресурс] / Отв.ред. И.А. Алешковский, А.В. Андриянов, Е.А. Антипов. – Электрон. текстовые дан. (1500 Мб.) – М.: МАКС Пресс, 2020. – Режим доступа: https://lomonosov-msu.ru/archive/Lomonosov_2020/index.htm, свободный – Материалы Международного молодежного научного форума «ЛОМОНОСОВ-2020». ISBN 978-5-317-06417-4