Lomonosov 2016

International Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"

Москва, Россия
Registration is closed
Theory, History and Methodology of Translation

Theory, History and Methodology of Translation


Session organizing committee

Chairperson - Nikolay Garbovsky, Dr. Hab, professor, director of Higher School of Translation and Interpretation.

Deputy chairperson - Olga Kostikova, PhD, associate professor, deputy director for research

Secretary – Nikolay Esakov


Members of the committee

Mikhail Pesennikov, deputy director, Galina Litvinova, senior lecturer, Kuzma Nikiforov, system administrator, Grigoriy Poleshchuk, public relation specialist, Sofia Sisnitskaya , student council representative, Alevich Anisa, postgraduate student

Expert council:

Chairperson - Nikolay Garbovsky, Dr. Hab, professor, director of the Higher School of Translation and Interpretation.


Members of the expert council:

Olga Kostikova, associate professor, deputy director for research, Alexander Galichev, associate professor, deputy director of academic affairs, Natalia Golubeva-Monatkina, Dr. Hab., professor, Larisa Manerko, Dr. Hab, professor, Nadezhda Mironova, Dr. Hab, professor, Eduard Mishkurov, Dr. Hab, professor, Igor Volozhanin, PhD, associate professor, Julia Koltsova, PhD, associate professor, Maria Yesakova, PhD, associate professor, Sergey Ushakov, PhD, associate professor, Victoria Bogoroditskaya, PhD, lecturer,  Farida Bunyatova, PhD, lecturer


Contact information:

Address: 199991, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1, 51 (the first humanities building), Rm. 1150.

Phone: +7 (916) 965-59-53

E-mail: science_hsti@mail.ru

Secretary – Nikolay Esakov