International Conference for Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Structure of the conference
In April 2016 Lomonosov Moscow State University will hold the XXIII “Lomonosov” International Conference for Students and Young Scientists within the International scientific youth forum "Lomonosov-2016".
The official website of the conference is Art Criticism and History
Working languages of the conference are Russian and English. The participants can be of the following categories: students (specialists, bachelors, post-graduates, masters, PhD) and young scientists under the age of 35 (inclusive), students or workers of Russian and foreign universities and colleges, post-graduates and workers of scientific institutions. Degree candidates, professors, scientific workers, senior professors are considered as young scientists. Candidates of science and doctors of science can't participate in conference or be co-authors even if they are under 35 years old. All co-authors of work must meet the above-mentioned requirements. A scientific advisor is not permitted as a co-author, but can be credited in the annotation. An organizing committee for every section establishes the maximum number of co-authors.
The authors with the best applications (participants with special invitation) will receive free residence on Moscow State University's campus (the decision is up to expert council and organizing committee). All participants must send their abstracts before the 25th of February 2016 (inclusive) via the e-registration system. The organizing committee will select abstracts of scientific reports, which will participate in the conference. Applications, received by post or e-mail will not be considered or registered.
An expert council for every section makes pre-selection of participants and chooses the best reports. Sections’ expert councils consist of leading scientists of Lomonosov Moscow State University, specializing on the section subject. All selected participants will receive their invitations from the organizing committee no later than two weeks before the conference.
All participants will also receive a CD-disc with abstracts of conference (with ISBN). All materials will be published on the conference’s website.
According to the conference’s results, the organizing committee awards the authors of best reports in every section with honorary diplomas of conference.