The Department of Education and Culture (Russian Academy of Education) and the Higher School of Translation and Interpretation (Lomonosov Moscow State University) are happy to invite you to participate in
the 6th International Scientific Conference Science of Translation Today. The conference will be held
on March 19-20, 2021.
The rapid development and widespread adoption of information technologies has been accelerated in the past year due to the coronavirus pandemic that hit the world. These processes have had a significant impact on all aspects of life. One of the consequences of the digital revolution is the expected transformation in the labor market, associated with the disappearance of some jobs and professions, and the emergence of new ones. By some estimates, translation, as a professional activity, is at the forefront of vulnerability. The reasons include advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and, in particular, in self-learning neural networks. Today, a new concept is being born called digital translation. It defines new types of technology, translation philosophy, as well as an open system of network interaction between human translators and AI. Digital translation is focused on improving the efficiency of translation activities and the quality of translation products. The creation of artificial neural networks made it possible not only to program them but also to train them. This fact significantly distinguishes modern computer algorithms for interlanguage transitions from previous versions. Economic dimension which allows to optimize costs and increase productivity represents the catalyst for these changes.
Will computers replace humans? Will translation be one of the professions to disappear in the future? Will it be transformed? Some optimistic forecasts suggest that most areas will be exposed not to unemployment but to a radical change in the requirements for knowledge and skills of employees. What, how and to what extent to teach those who will replace the ‘classical’ translators? These and many other questions that are now coming to the fore in both the academic and professional environment are planned to be discussed within the framework of the following conference topic:
Translation and Competition of Intelligences.
Conference working languages:
Russian and English. The conference will be held online
via Zoom.
The invited speakers will participate in the plenary sessions (accompanied by simultaneous interpreting).
To participate in the conference, please fill out
the online application form on the website of the Higher School of Translation and Interpretation ( or download, fill out and send
the electronic application form (
until March 6, 2021 to: