30th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Theory, History and Methodology of Translation
On April 12, 2023, a meeting of the section "Theory, History and Methodology of Translation" of the XXX anniversary International Scientific Conference of students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Lomonosov" took place. 38 reports of young scholars from 12 universities of Russia and abroad were heard and discussed. The conference was organized within the framework of the International Scientific Youth Forum "Lomonosov-2023" by the Student Union of Lomonosov Moscow State University and its participating departments.
On opening the session, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee and the Expert Council of the section, the Director of the Higher School of Translation and Interpreting, academician of the Russian Academy of Education Garbovsky Nikolai Konstantinovich addressed the participants of the conference with a welcoming speech. The conference participants were also welcomed by the Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee and the Expert Council of the section, Deputy Director for Research, Associate Professor Olga Igorevna Kostikova, and also by members of the expert council Professor Natalia Ivanovna Golubeva-Monatkina, Professor Larissa Alexandrovna Manerko and Professor Nadezhda Nikolaevna Mironova. Congratulating the participants on the thirtieth anniversary of the conference, they stressed the importance of such events for the development of the creative potential of young scholars, testing the results of their research and exchange of ideas, and also expressed hope for fruitful scientific work during the session of the section.
The work of the section this year was organized in the following areas:
General theory, history and didactics of translation (subsection 1),
Translation methodology. Digital technologies in translation (subsection 2),
Literary translation: Methods and criticism (subsection 3),
Comparative Linguistics and Discursology (subsection 4).
As part of the work of subsection 1 "General theory, history and didactics of translation", members of the expert Council represented by its chairman, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor Garbovsky N.K., PhD, Associate Professor Kostikova O.I., PhD, Associate Professor Batanov K.N., PhD, senior lecturer Zigmantovich D.S. and PhD Yue Ruyin were acquainted with eight reports on various aspects of multifaceted translation activities. Postgraduate students representing Lomonosov Moscow State University took part in the work of the subsection. The reports of the participants covered such important issues for the theory, history and didactics of translation as the use of video games simulators in scientific and technical translation classes, the features of the translation of the Koran, the need to create and revise translations of the New Testament, the role of diplomatic translation, the main characteristics and formation of the ecological model of translation in China, the evolution of simultaneous interpretation, and also, the use of translation comments as one of the possible tools of the translator.
The members of the expert council particularly noted the report of Stanislav Igorevich Arishchenko "The possibilities of using video game materials of the simulator genre in scientific and technical translation classes" (Higher School of Translation and Interpreting, Lomonosov Moscow State University) and a report by Alexey Andreevich Izotov "On the need to create and revise New Testament translations based on the data of modern Textual studies of the New Testament" (Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University). The members of the expert council highly appreciated the presented reports, noted the relevance of the research topics and the depth of the analysis conducted by the conference participants.
During the meeting of the subsection "Methodology of translation. Digital technologies in Translation" 8 reports of participants from different cities of Russia (Kemerovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Saransk, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk) and China (Beijing) were heard. All the reports aroused keen interest among the expert council and participants of the conference. The reports by Starkova Alina Romanovna "Professional decision-making by an interpreter: the experience of experimental research" (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Faculty of Humanities, Perm, Russia) and Elizaveta Shlychkova "A system of rules for machine translation of Russian pronouns of the second person into French" (Tyumen State University, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Sciences, Tyumen, Russia) were recognized as the best.
As part of the work of the subsection 3 "Literary Translation: Methods and Criticism", members of the Expert Council represented by Doctor of Philology, Professor Nadezhda Mironova, Candidate of Philology, senior lecturer Alevich Anisiya Vyacheslavovna, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Yulia Koltsova, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Elena Meshkova, heard nine reports on various aspects of translation of a work of art. Students and postgraduates representing St. Petersburg State University, North Caucasus Federal University, Donetsk National University and Lomonosov Moscow State University took part in the work of the subsection. The reports of the participants highlighted the peculiarities of the translation of classical works by E.M. Remarque, Sylvia Plath, A.P. Chekhov, M. Proust, M. Tsvetaeva and L.N. Tolstoy.
The members of the expert jury particularly noted the report of Turei Susanna Mohamedovna "On the asymmetry of images in the poem "Phaedra" by M. Tsvetaeva and its translation into English" (Higher School of Translation and Interpreting, Lomonosov Moscow State University) and the report of Sladkomedova Alina Yurievna "Lexical methods of transmitting implicit evaluation (based on translations of works by A.P. Chekhov into English and German)" (Donetsk National University). Turey Suzanna Mohamedovna is awarded this year with a diploma signed by the rector. The members of the expert council highly appreciated the presented reports, noted the relevance of research topics and wished the conference participants further success in their scholarly work.
About 30 graduate students and students of the Higher School of Translation and Interpreting, Lomonosov Moscow State University took part in the work of subsection 4. 10 scientific reports were heard and discussed, most of which were prepared by Chinese graduate students and master’s degree students. According to the expert council of the subsection, almost all the reports were distinguished by a fairly high scientific level, and the problems and ideas presented in them were received with interest by the audience. The Council particularly noted the content and form of submission of scientific reports by the following participants: Aisen Yakov Dmitrievich (on the topic of the Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedic dictionary), Li Zixu (on the problem of the formation of names of a figure in Chinese), Nemkina Nicole Igorevna (multimodality issues in fairy-tale discourse) and Chen Yuqiong (on dictionary marks in Chinese-Russian dictionaries). At the general meeting of the members of the expert council, a difficult decision was made to highlight two reports of subsection 4 - Li Zixu and Chen Yuqiong - for awarding section diplomas.
The final stage was the summing up of the work of the section, at which experts Zigmantovich Darya Sergeevna (subsection 1), Voyutskaya Alexandra Anatolyevna (subsection 2), Alevich Anisiya Vyacheslavovna (subsection 3) and Manerko Larissa Alexandrovna (subsection 4) made a brief report on the work of their subsections. Chairman of the expert Council Garbovsky Nikolai Konstantinovich and his deputy Kostikova Olga Igorevna summed up the work of the section, noted the significant expansion of the geography of participants of the current conference compared to last year, the overall high level of the reports presented, expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation, presented certificates to the participants and diplomas to the best speakers of the section, wished success in scientific work and invited participants for the next Lomonosov conference.
Alevich A.V., Volozhanin I.N., Voyutskaya A.A.,
Zigmantovich D.S., Meshkova E.M.
Session organizing committee:
Chairperson – Nikolay Garbovsky, Member of Russian Academy of Education, Dr. Hab, professor, director of Higher School of Translation and Interpreting;
Deputy chairperson – Olga Kostikova, PhD, associate professor, deputy director for research;
Secretary – Elena Meshkova, PhD, associate professor.
Members of the committee:
Dar'ya Zigmantovich, acting academic secretary, PhD;
Youliya Kol'tsova, PhD, deputy director for educational work;
Vladimir Litvinov, deputy director for facility management;
Kuz'ma Nikiforov, system administrator.
Expert board:
Chairperson – Nikolay Garbovsky, Member of Russian Academy of Education, Dr. Hab, professor, director of Higher School of Translation and Interpreting;
Deputy chairperson – Olga Kostikova, PhD, associate professor, deputy director for research;
Alevich Anisiya Vyacheslavovna, PhD, Senior lecturer,
Batanov Konstantin Nikolaevich, PhD, Associate Professor,
Volozhanin Igor Nikolaevich, PhD, Associate Professor,
Voyutskaya Alexandra Anatol'evna, PhD, teacher,
Golubeva-Monatkina Natalia Ivanovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Yesakova Maria Nikolaevna, PhD, Associate Professor,
Zhguleva Svetlana Andreevna, PhD, teacher,
Zygmantovich Dar'ya Sergeevna, PhD, teacher,
Kol'tsova Yulia Nikolaevna, PhD, Associate Professor,
Kostikova Olga Igorevna, PhD, Associate Professor,
Oksana Lytkina, PhD, Associate Professor,
Manerko Larissa Alexandrovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Meshkova Elena Mikhailovna, PhD, Associate Professor,
Mironova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Nemonezhnaya Victoria Yurievna, PhD, Associate Professor,
Ushakov Sergey Gennadievich, PhD, Associate Professor,
Yue Ruiying, PhD, external expert.
Contact information:
Address: 199991, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1, 51 (the first humanities building).
E-mail: science_hsti@mail.ru