Секция «Журналистика»
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Подсекция «Strategic Communication (подсекция на английском языке)»
  1. Тянь К. - Advertising media communication in corporate social projects in China in the context of the SARS-Covid-19 pandemic
  2. Kumari S.I. - BRICS in the emerging world order
  3. Бомбин А.Ю. - Business clustering as a synergy factor of brand sustainability
  4. Ян Ю. - China's Generation Z Consumer Psychology Reacts to Advertising Style
  5. Роголева Ю.А. - Destination marketing in strategic communication: Attention distribution in VR 360°video projects
  6. Cele Z.P. - Energy transition and climate change in South Africa: The impact and policies
  7. Васильева П.Ю. - Features of communication strategies in creative industries during the pandemic. The adaptation phenomenon
  8. Пинчук С.В. - Features of international PR-support of state organizations
  9. Чэнь С. - Gender marketing strategies for Women's Day on social media in China
  10. Толбатова Д.С. - Impact of media globalization on cultural life on examples of talent TV shows
  11. Zarifian M. - Political cartoons in strategic communication
  12. Шестернин М.Д. - Problems of classical music promotion
  13. Черепанова Н.О. - Segmentation of Social Media Content Consumers under the "New Normal": Reverse Typology
  14. Удальцова А.Р. - Speech etiquette elements imitation as a psycholinguistic tool to influence the mass audience
  15. Shi Q. - The Hidden Agenda of ‘Corporate Compliance’: Anglo-American Companies in the Imperial Order (1600-1950)
  16. Шилина М.Г. - The Metaverse and the Media: Navigating a New Landscape of Communication and Creativity
  17. Shevchenko V.V. - The mobile app as an approach to engage the younger generation in the research field (Using the VERUM startup example)
  18. Абилов М.Р. - The perception of CIS countries by the Russian community in the context of geopolitical crisis: Fombrun-RI Country Reputation Index as a tool for reputational research
  19. Anikina A.S. - Transforming the types of content of the social network for the youth target audience in “new reality” (using the example of the group of internships for students “ANCOR Start”)
  20. Бабына Д.А. - VR in destination marketing as strategic communication: Criteria for the effectiveness
Материалы Международного молодежного научного форума «ЛОМОНОСОВ-2023» / Отв. ред. И.А. Алешковский, А.В. Андриянов, Е.А. Антипов, Е.И. Зимакова. [Электронный ресурс] – М.: МАКС Пресс, 2023.
ISBN 978-5-317-06952-0