Секция «Журналистика»
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Подсекция «Стратегическая коммуникация (подсекция на английском языке)»
  1. Keke Y. - Metaverse in Global Companies as a Strategic Communication Phenomenon
  2. Бороздина А.В. - HR-brand of the company on the example of "TMK"
  3. Васильев Д.А. - Communication campaign to build TMK's HR brand
  4. Голятина Я.А. - Popularization of the "National Register of Bone Marrow Donors named after Vasya Perevoshchikova" PR tools
  5. Горшенина Т.А. - Strategic Communication
  6. Коноплева Н.М. - Popularization of the "National Register of Bone Marrow Donors named after Vasya Perevoshchikova" PR tools
  7. Лопухова А.К. - Communication campaign to build TMK's HR brand
  8. Макарова А.А. - Features of music brand promotion and models of music content consumption on streaming services in Russia
  9. Мильчина Д.В. - Media relations in business media in the «new normal»: special partnership projects
  10. Плеханова Е.А. - Personal branding of a professional journalist in RuTube
  11. Пустовая О.А. - HR-brand of the company on the example of "TMK"
  12. Фрей И.А. - Communication campaign to build TMK's HR brand
  13. Чэнь С. - Media image strategies of Chinese feminists on social networks
  14. Шилина М.Г. - Re-Communicate Renewable Energy: Communication Campaign Parameters
  15. Шляпина А.А. - Technologies for promoting cosmetic brands in a pandemic
  16. Яковенко А.А. - HR-brand of the company on the example of "TMK"
Материалы Международного молодежного научного форума «ЛОМОНОСОВ-2022» / Отв. ред. И.А. Алешковский, А.В. Андриянов, Е.А. Антипов, Е.И. Зимакова. [Электронный ресурс] – М.: МАКС Пресс, 2022.
ISBN 978-5-317-06824-0